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35岁前要上的33堂理财课 | Panload

Raise money trader, life in before the age of 35 must read the book. Strongly recommend


The first lesson from 700 to 4 million, the distance is not far away

Safe keep money the time has passed!

Money in the bank, will become more and more little!

Monthly investment of 700 yuan RMB, retired to 4 million

Lesson 2 in the 21 century, the power of compound interest is better than the atomic bomb

People make money-the most traditional method of making money

Money making money-automatic ways to make money

Compounding the atomic bomb is terrible--than effect

Investment--is the surest way to make money

The third class you know you belong to the type of investors?

Investment properties and the relationship between financial success or failure

Investment properties can be divided into what type?

Simple measure method: I belong to which type?

Even though the same kind of investment tools, also have different risk attribute

Avoid incorrect expectations, miscalculation return on investment

Lesson 4 financial don't follow suit, financial management is your thing

A blind spot experience behind, no global vision

Blind spot two believe second-hand spread, eyes only have to follow suit

Blind spots around three he investment, not clear profit and loss

Blind spot four no goal, don't know their own investment properties

Daw a map of wealth, the way to financial freedom

Lesson 5 investment management, human nature than the methods ten thousand times more important

Difficult to get away from the human nature is bound the main causes responsible for failure of investment

Alarmist, investment stop

Control mood is the first step to get rich

Investment the key to success: analysis

Lesson 6 no digital financial goals, equal to no goal

Financial goals include?

Money is not to earn more and more? Why to want to set a goal?

Specific, digital, complete financial goals

Every half year to review, fixed unrealistic goal

Establish targets to consider the external factors

Lesson 7 whatever money does not have money, make the best use of the asset allocation good money

People with small amounts of money but also asset allocation?

Eggs whether or not to put in the same basket?

Asset allocation of the key: risk

Asset allocation of the three steps

Asset allocation to consider diversity, liquidity and insurance

Class 8 article five must abide by the laws of the investment

Any firm earn not to compensate according the investment?

Investment law protean, some even contradict each other

I should listen to what kind of?

Personal experience has discrepancy, fine-tuning the actual operating mode

A good foundation, to learn the basic skills

Lesson 9 three investment master-learning model

Andre secco stowe laney:

Stock investment "ten law" and "ten commandments"

Peter lynch: never worry about short-term fluctuations

Warren buffett: brave buy, hold on for the long-term

How to become an investment master

Perseverance, steady wins the race

Lesson 10 what's character?

China's billionaires

The gap between rich and poor expand, M type social formation

Reading rich password

Rich characteristics big public

Frugal financial management, the key to poverty

Planning article

Class 11 financial activity and life cycle are inseparable

No financial management, the pressure will be more and more big

Financial six-part series: life in different periods of financial planning

Life has a cycle, financial management to change
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Asset Allocation - Asset Management

Author panload
Published 2015-06-13
Categories Services, People,
Views 2625