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Table Tab | Panload

Table Tab is the easiest hassle free way to split the bill. Take a picture of the bill or get one from your photo library, pick a color, tap your items. Tip can be adjusted on the Totals page. You can even customize the way you share items if you do not want items split evenly. You can allocate by quantity or even manually set a partial amount for an item. Portions are clearly visibly by the pie balls on the bill. You may allocate a short name to your color too if you wish. You can add and delete rows. Nothing is compulsory keeping this task as easy or as detailed as you want. You can even start with no bill and create one by adding rows. Table Tab is the most versatile Tab splitting app because most of the time when it gets to the end of the night you just want to pay and go! Please like our Facebook page for a video and tips on how to get the most from this app! This app is free for a limited time only!
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Fair Bill Split

Author panload
Published 2015-01-04
Categories Person, Time,
Views 7095