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Percentage Calculator 3 in one | Panload

Percentage Calculator is a 3 in one hd app which calculates:

1 .Calculate Percents & Percentages

2. Percent Discounts (sale price)

3. Percent Markups (increase by)

4. Percent Margin

5. Percentage Difference (Change)

6.Percentage (what % of) i.e. x is what percentage of y

Percentage calculator is unique in a way that it calculates everything on the fly just by a touch of a button. it lets you find out any part of the equasion, for example in "5% of 40 is 2" you will enter any two of these three numbers and third one would be calculated for you. And that is what makes this percentage calculator stand out in the crowd.

Percentage calculator can be used in many real-life situations as calculator in

1. school (mathematics, statistics, algebra) calculator

2. finances and business calculator

3. shopping discounts calculator

4. cooking ingredients calculator

5. health (body mass index, fat percentage in food) calculator.

This app is a free version of percent calculator.
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Percent Pro - Sales Tax, Discount, Profit Margin Percentage Calculator

Author panload
Published 2015-01-21
Categories Rate, Easy,
Views 156