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Trusted Helplines | Panload

Connect with trusted free helplines with one touch, in your region. Money troubles got you down? Users get unlimited free advice and help from non-profits and government agencies.

Helplines feature trusted assistance in these categories:

Free Bankruptcy Advice

Child Support Enforcement

Collection Complaint Help

Credit Score Improvement

Child Care Payment Assistance

Debt Relief Non-profit counseling

Domestic Violence Helpline

Gambling Addiction Helpline

Eldercare Resources and Options

Identity Theft Recovery Help

Mortgage Relief

Rental Assistance

Student Loan Relief

Tax Relief

Utilities Assistance

Calls are free, advice is free. Calls are served by reputable groups which have met standards of performance and strong reputation. Calls are routed according to category and region to non-profit and government agencies. These helplines are currently posted in over 250,000 work places, including many branches of the US Armed Services and the Smithsonian Institution.

HR Departments and business owners can easily share these free help lines with all employees. Reduce the stress that accompanies private money worries. Improve productivity, while showing that you care.

Social workers can refer to these helplines when clients are faced with money troubles. They can also share them with their counselor peers.

Free workplace posters can be ordered from the app.

App produced by CareConnect USA, a public benefit organization since 2005. This app functions throughout the USA.
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Army Emergency Relief

Author panload
Published 2015-01-06
Categories Parents, Calls,
Views 6720